About Us | Eddie Hart Foundation


Eddie Hart All In One Foundation


The vision of the Eddie Hart All In One Foundation (EHAIOF) is to educate and inspire youth, regardless of their economic status, race, creed, sex or color to practice the ideals of scholarship, leadership, sportsmanship and physical fitness and to bring youth closer together through common interest in the sports, music and education to ensure they become viable members of society collectively.


The EHAIOF will provide education, athletic and social opportunities for the youth for free or a nominal fee and provide access to valuable resources. The EHAIOF activities will provide many of our community’s elementary, middle school and high school aged youth with positive educational and athletic training the supervision of some of the best educators, athletes and coaches in the world.

The EHAIOF is a non-profit organization that fosters education and develops scholarship, leadership, positive self-esteem and cultural awareness among many economically disadvantaged youth from 4-18 years of age. The positive media coverage generated by the EHAIOF will serve to enhance the positive image of our cities and local communities.

The EHAIOF is a total collaborative with all areas of state and local government, educators, educational institutions, local school districts, large and small businesses, Olympians, professional athletes, entertainers, and state and local organization, and community leaders to make certain that our future is secure.